Cari Amici,
le vacanze estive si avvicinano e anche il Cordon Bleu inizia a preparare le valigie. Mettiamo dentro anche qualche ricettina e un quaderno per gli appunti, perché anche al mare o in montagna continuiamo a pensare a voi e a fare i programmi per il prossimo “anno scolastico”.
Il calendario sarà, come sempre, ricco di eventi interessanti : corsi, lezioni a tema, incontri con ospiti illustri. Fra le varie sorprese che abbiamo in forno (è proprio il caso di dire!) per il prossimo inverno, vogliamo anticiparvene una, particolarmente golosa, che verrà servita in inverno!
le vacanze estive si avvicinano e anche il Cordon Bleu inizia a preparare le valigie. Mettiamo dentro anche qualche ricettina e un quaderno per gli appunti, perché anche al mare o in montagna continuiamo a pensare a voi e a fare i programmi per il prossimo “anno scolastico”.
Il calendario sarà, come sempre, ricco di eventi interessanti : corsi, lezioni a tema, incontri con ospiti illustri. Fra le varie sorprese che abbiamo in forno (è proprio il caso di dire!) per il prossimo inverno, vogliamo anticiparvene una, particolarmente golosa, che verrà servita in inverno!
UDITE, UDITE: lezione di pasticceria salata con maestro d’eccezione, lo chef pasticcere Luca Montersino!

E’ vero, mancano ancora alcuni mesi, ma siete invitati a comunicarci il vostro possibile interesse sin da ora, ne terremo conto per organizzarci al meglio! Appena possibile vi comunicheremo la data, l’ orario e tutti i dettagli di questo imperdibile appuntamento!
Per saperne di più segui i link segnalati in questo post e la pagina di Luca Montersino su facebook!
Dear Friends,
the summer holidays are coming and the Cordon Bleu as well is packing its suitcase. We pack up also some recipes and a notebook, so that, either at the seaside or in the mountains, we will continue to think about you and make plans for the next "school year".
As always, the schedule will be full of interesting events: courses, lectures, meetings with distinguished guests. Among the several surprises that we keep in the oven (it's appropriate to say!), for the next coming seasons, we are pleased to announce a really appetizing one, which will be served in the winter!
HEAR YE! The excellent chef and great teacher Luca Montersino will give a lecture about savoury pastry!
Very popular mostly thanks its presence on TV shows such as La Prova del Cuoco and Peccati di Gola (on air every night on Alice), Luca Montersino is an executive chef, who turned her passion for pastry into a his specialization. As an outstanding pastry-cook and a “greedy for health” (as he likes to define himself), he has gone into a research of healthy food and pastry and elaborated the concept Golosi di Salute (Greedies for Health) creating a line of food made with natural and healthy ingredients.
The winter is far, but we would appreciate to know about your interest soon, as we would like to arrange everything at best. We will let you know date and time and every useful details as soon as possible, meanwhile keep it in mind! It is an unmisseable date!
For more information about Luca Montersino, see the above links and follow him on his page on facebook!
the summer holidays are coming and the Cordon Bleu as well is packing its suitcase. We pack up also some recipes and a notebook, so that, either at the seaside or in the mountains, we will continue to think about you and make plans for the next "school year".
As always, the schedule will be full of interesting events: courses, lectures, meetings with distinguished guests. Among the several surprises that we keep in the oven (it's appropriate to say!), for the next coming seasons, we are pleased to announce a really appetizing one, which will be served in the winter!
HEAR YE! The excellent chef and great teacher Luca Montersino will give a lecture about savoury pastry!
Very popular mostly thanks its presence on TV shows such as La Prova del Cuoco and Peccati di Gola (on air every night on Alice), Luca Montersino is an executive chef, who turned her passion for pastry into a his specialization. As an outstanding pastry-cook and a “greedy for health” (as he likes to define himself), he has gone into a research of healthy food and pastry and elaborated the concept Golosi di Salute (Greedies for Health) creating a line of food made with natural and healthy ingredients.
The winter is far, but we would appreciate to know about your interest soon, as we would like to arrange everything at best. We will let you know date and time and every useful details as soon as possible, meanwhile keep it in mind! It is an unmisseable date!
For more information about Luca Montersino, see the above links and follow him on his page on facebook!